This is all about my garden and how I make it grow.

This is what I have done in my garden and my yard to try to make it grow and be as beautiful as it can be.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bad dirt = small plants that do nothing

Earlier this year I gave my in-laws several of the pepper plants I started because I simply did not have enough room for them. Well recently they have been getting peppers and I thought I was doing good with a pepper that was around three feet long. The same plant in there garden has produced peppers that were at least six inches long. It takes a while to build up the soil and they have had the garden spot for literally years. I guess I am going to have to plant something in a container with better soil. Most of what i have in my yard is sand and or clay. I have six large oak trees and I have been told that the oak trees simply drain all of the nutrients out of the soil and make it hard for the other plants to live. True I have had (or I should say my husband) put fertilizer on them several times a year and it has helped some of the plants survive and dare I say thrive. The red pepper in the picture only measured three inches that's a big difference when my in laws who have better soil get the same pepper that is twice the size, or possibly larger. Gardening takes work, I'll just have to get some more containers and some decent soil to plant my plants in, if I want them to grow to any size worth eating.

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