This is all about my garden and how I make it grow.

This is what I have done in my garden and my yard to try to make it grow and be as beautiful as it can be.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Butterfly Bush

This is a butterfly bush I started from a seed in January of this year. The seeds were like dust, and the packet said that there were 100 seeds in the pack. If the packet was correct of the 100 seeds I got around 10 plants. That does not sound good (only 10 %), but it was the first time I'd tried it and as I said the seeds were very small.

The butterfly bush is suppose to reach 6 feet tall every year and you have to cut it back to the ground or at least several feet from the ground at the end of the growing season. I have no idea what the plant color will be I am just happy that I have grown one to begin with.

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