This is all about my garden and how I make it grow.

This is what I have done in my garden and my yard to try to make it grow and be as beautiful as it can be.

Friday, April 29, 2011

My First Flower

I want to begin this post by giving you a little history about what started my love of plants and gardening. It really started Christmas 2006. It was the first Christmas with my husband. My mother-in-law gave me an amaryllis bulb kit. She assured me that it was easy to grow and because it was a bulb it would bloom year after year. Well I planted it in the pot it came with and watered it, and true enough it bloomed. It was one of the largest and most beautiful flowers I had ever seen and the fact that I had gotten it to bloom, was the ultimate reward for me. The following spring I planted it in the yard and was rewarded with another bloom. I was ecstatic this beautiful flower had bloomed again. I was sure that I wanted more of this beautiful flower but I was unaware bulbs have seeds that I could harvest plant and have more of. I always thought that the only way to have more bulbs was to let it divide over time, man was I wrong. That first year I did not collect the seeds from the seed pods, but keep in mind I knew next to nothing about plants. My second Christmas with my husband I was gifted with another amaryllis kit from my mother-in-law (it was becoming a tradition of sorts) and I did the same thing I did with the amaryllis I had gotten, and was rewarded with another bloom. I planted it in the yard the coming spring next to the first amaryllis bulb. Imagine my surprise when they both bloomed at the same time.

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