This is all about my garden and how I make it grow.

This is what I have done in my garden and my yard to try to make it grow and be as beautiful as it can be.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Black Pearl Amaryllis starting to grow

Honestly I had no idea how long it would be until I saw my Black Pearl start to show any growth, but here I am posting that indeed my Black pearl is showing signs of growth. It isn't much but it's something. It is hard to see but you can see a bit of growth starting to show. I an so excited I just don't how to contain it. I really did not expect to see any growth until at least a week. And here it is growing. I bought the bulbs on eBay and I am definitely going to purchase more from this seller. The one thing I am somewhat worried about is will it produce a bulb or will it just be leaves. I have gotten bulbs in the past and they did nothing but produce leaves and no flower I hope that is not the case with these. As the bulbs grow I will post pics of the way they look.

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